I Believed. I Trust and I Love.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

July Wanderlast: Ancient City

                                 K E E P    PE DA L I N G

       From BTS ekamai we took a taxi and we just arrived here in a maximum time of 30-40 minutes.In this place  called " Ancient City " a map is a must to keep.  

There are three kinds of transpo that you can choose, an open window bus ( free), a golf  cart with extra charge and a bicycle ( free). Obiously, I grabbed the bicyle  ^-^

We roamed around.
 Amazed with the place.
 Ate in the floating market. 
 Exhausted and lost.
 Took some photos together with my buddy Ann,
 You can also vist her blog @itsbeyondimaginations.blogspot.com =)

                                                                         The effect of sunlight.

   Life is all about balance. It's something that you have to create.

carpe diem

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